Thai Massage

Are you often stressed by work and daily chores? Do your muscles feel tight? Do your joints ache?
If you answered yes, the health benefits of a Thai massage can help these and more.

Stretching Like None Other

If you’re hoping to find massage techniques that can stretch your limbs like no other massage, then look to Thai massage techniques. The stretching involved with Thai massages can relieve deep muscle tension and help make limbs more limber.

Mental Relaxation

There are countless studies that support the health benefits of meditation and relaxation. Thai massage techniques are intended to help relax one’s mind and help fall into a meditative state. Much like Tai Chi or Yoga, the small but concentrated movements help put the mind in a state of full relaxation.

New Balance of Cortisol and Serotonin

Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, is a dreaded fellow. Serotonin, on the other hand, is the sought after hormone that reduces stress and makes a brain feel happy. Thai massage techniques help release serotonin while reducing the amount of cortisol. Sounds like a great health benefit to us!

Golden Leaf Wellness spa Seawoods offers Full Body Massage in Seawoods and Nerul area. Call Us for Prior Appointment : +91 9833400742